How Grow Hair Fast and Healthy

  How to grow hair fast  from your home guide 

A lady’s  look starts right from her hair which makes the hair to be held in high esteem. Her hair needs food as the body needs food to sustain it. Here is a magic hair food that not only treats dry hair, thin hair and hair breakage but it also enhances growth, strength and  “shine” to the hair. Lets go make it, right away!

grow hair
Required ingredients from your kitchen:
  • Honey
  • lime 
  • shea butter 
  • avocado
  • onion  
  • egg                                                                                                                                         

Let’s prepare food for enhanced hair growth 

   Into a bowl containing one table spoon of honey, add two eggs while mixing. Add two  table spoon full  of shea butter. Grind and obtain extract from one whole onion with a strainer or a  straining cloth and add to the above mixture. In the final stage, add one avocado and one lime juice then mix very well. After preparing the hair food for fast hair growth, you are now ready to apply on the hair .
grow hair
Avocado Grow Hair 
   Apply  the mixture on the hair with the help of a foam or any other material you think will ease the application. After application, cover hair with a shower cap and a head scarf and leave it on for at least two hours and as long as overnight.     
grow hair
Long and Shiny Hair

   When the required time is attained  you can wash it with a  mild shampoo. I do this once in a month but you can do this as often as once a week depending on how you schedule your saloon sessions for a fast hair growth.

grow hair
 This is my perfect grand Ma’s hair recipe to keep my hair strong , shiny , healthy and grow faster.
 Its all about Greenlifebate, please leave a comment on what your interest will be for the next  post and don’t forget to subscribe for more amazing green ideas


Published by greenlifebate

I am just that natural lady. I help you look and feel great using natural ingredients, sorting the best natural, beauty and healthy tip, recipe and ways to live in this era of more chemical than natural.

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