How to Know Your Skin Type Review ; Your Type Will Surprise You

   Why Should You Know Your Skin Type:

We all have skin dilemmas every now and then. Knowing your skin type makes it easy to identify the skin care product which best suits your skin, this helps in giving it the care it deserves. When it comes to making a choice of skin product the skin type plays one of the most important roles.

Many people neglect the skin type factor and go buying products for the brand, “hear say “and the price. If you are confused on your skin type you are not alone. Many don’t know and others misdiagnose themselves and as a result start the wrong care routine, wrong product which aggravates the skin condition, irritates the skin, lead to acne and even make your skin look older than it really is.
 Mind you, if you don’t know your skin type, and if the product doesn’t work for you then you might be putting money in a deep hole that cannot be refunded. So if you think you know your skin type or you have no clue then the illustration below will clear your doubts.

skin type review

  Categories of Skin Type

Oily Skin

This is is one of the most common skin types. However, some people who think they have oily skin may be wrong. if you have large and visible pores on your skin and experience oiliness, shine throughout the day and see visible oil when you blot your face then you have an oily face.

Large pore equals mass oil production and this means the appearance of excess oil on your face. Primer should be your side kick to  fight make up issue.You tend to have clogged pores and your skin is prone to both non-inflammatory acne (blackhead and whitehead) and  inflammatory acne(pimples and cystic zit)which pop up now and then.

Using a primer and an oil free product will help limit make up movement on the face and how oily your face appears through out the day.It is also important to cleanse, ex-foliate and take care of your skin.You can check our post on how to prevent pimples for help. This type of skin is very prone to acne due to build up of products and oil on the skin 

 Normal Skin

Your skin is smooth and radiant because it reflects light evenly. Your complexion is balance (not too oily or too dry), rarely notice breakouts , insignificcant skin change through out the day.
If your skin produces little oil around your T-zone (forehead, nose and chin)then your skin can be classified as  normal. In this case, when buying skin product ,they should neither be oil free nor sensitive. Just buy regular products for regular/ normal skin and you are good. 

Combination Skin 

This skin type is popular. In this case your skin is not normal, oily or dry but a combination of all. Signs that you  have a combination skin includes breakouts on the forehead, nose, chin, while your temple, eye area and cheeks are really dry .You also fall in combination if your skin changes  according to climate and season. Sometimes it is completely dry and other times it is really oily.

Dry Skin

You know that tightness and flakiness you feel on your face is  a major sign of dry skin.With this skin type you will notice dryness, tightness and flakiness that never goes away until you moisturize.
You flush easily or have red patches or eczema(a dry skin condition), your skin feels rough , tight or dry in the afternoons or evenings or even two hours after moisturizing.

 You will need a lot of oil base product to make up for this lack of oil on your face and body.

Be careful not to use salicilic acid product (e.g oriflame pure skin) for they generally remove moisture and oils on the face and body. The listed are the major skin types but there are a few less common skin types you can fall under

skin type review

Sensitive Skin

If your skin gets irritated, itchy,red, swollen etc easily, then you have a sensitive skin .A good fix for that is to go green and use gentle products like potent antioxidants and stay away from products with synthetic fragrance .Due to the ease of irritation of the skin, it is also good to use products that help reduce inflammation . You can get in touch with us on this 

Under-Circulated Skin

If you experience redness on your skin even after a shower, using a scrub, getting a bruise or even having a facial, then you have under circulated skin. This means your skin doesn’t have enough oxygen or nutrient-rich blood flowing though it so it looks pale.

A great way to get your skin glowing and back to normal is by using ingredients that will encourage the dilation of blood vessel and promote oxygen and blood flow. Examples include: rosemary, peppermint, massaging the body regularly to help blood flow and other flow methods.

Acne Prone Skin

This is the most general skin type  because all skin type are acne prone. It could be your age that is at the stage of puberty where you are most likely to get acne; product being used; weather condition, and many more factors. You need to consider all factors when treating your skin based on the skin type.

As an example, if it is winter or harmattan period and your skin feels dry, this does not mean you have dry skin. Your skin is simply reacting to the current weather condition you are in . Always take into account factors like: age, product use and change in skin care routine and you will surely be tackling your skin concerns efficiently.

Skin testers can also be used to know your skin type. You can check Greenlifebate to get a skin tester kit 

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Published by greenlifebate

I am just that natural lady. I help you look and feel great using natural ingredients, sorting the best natural, beauty and healthy tip, recipe and ways to live in this era of more chemical than natural.

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